CV / 略歴

Yuma Morimoto was born in Okayama, Japan in 1986. He conducted his Ph.D. study in Osaka University where he explored electron transfer of transition metal complexes with Prof. Shunichi Fukuzumi. During his Ph.D. study, he visited Prof. Wonwoo Nam in Ewha Womans University in Korea and Prof. James M. Mayer in University of Washington in US. Upon graduating in 2013, he joined to Prof. Itoh group as research assistant professor and promoted to assistant professor in 2017. His research is centered on investigation of environmentally benign catalyst system inspired by metalloenzymes with focus on fine understanding of electronic structures of coordination compounds.


Educational Background / 学歴

1986 Born in Okayama city, Japan/岡山市生まれ
2005 Graduated Sozan High school, Okayama city / 岡山県立岡山操山高校卒
2009 Graduated Osaka Univ. / 大阪大学工学部応用自然科学科卒
2009 Visited Wonwoo Nam group
2013 Visited James M. Mayer group
2013 Received Ph.D. from Osaka Univ. / 大阪大学大学院工学研究科博士後期課程短期修了  

Scientific Activity / 論文の出版&引用

Original Paper: 34
Review Paper: 2
Times Cited: 1098
h-index: 16

(updated at 2020/7/7)

Refereeing Experience / 査読歴

ACS catalysis
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Catalysis Science & Technology
Chemical Science
Dalton Transactions
Journal of the American Chemical Society
RSC Advances
Details (Publons)

Career / 職歴

▪Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
▪Research Assistant of Global COE Program at Osaka Univ.
▫GCOEプログラム リサーチアシスタント
▪Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
▫日本学術振興会特任研究員 (PD)
▪Research Assistant Professor of Osaka Univ. (the Interactive Materials Science Cadet Program)
▫大阪大学未来戦略機構第三部門 特任助教(常勤)
▪Research Assistant Professor of Osaka Univ. (Dept. of Material and Life Science, Grad. Sch. Eng.)
▫大阪大学大学院工学研究科(伊東忍研究室) 特任助教(兼任)
▪Assistant Professor of Osaka Univ. (Department of Material and Life Science, Graduate School of Engineering)
▫大阪大学大学院工学研究科(伊東忍研究室) 助教

Awards / 受賞歴

▪Young Coordination Chemist’s Association Japan, Summer School Poster Award
▫錯体化学若手の会夏の学校 ポスター賞
▪61st Japanese Society of Coordination Chemistry, Student Presentation Award
▪Presentation Award for Master Thesis (Osaka Univ.)
▫大阪大学大学院工学研究科生命先端工学専攻 修士論文発表会優秀発表賞
▪GCOEBEC-11 Excellent Presentation Award
▪CSJ Student Presentation Award 2013
▫日本化学会第 93春季年会学生優秀講演賞
▪CSJ Presentation Award
▫日本化学会第 95 春季年会優秀講演賞
▪Young Researcher Award (Ube Industries, Ltd.)
▫宇部興産学術振興財団 第56回学術奨励賞
▪GSC Poster Awards on 5th JACI/GSC symposium​
▫第5回JACI/GSCシンポジウム GSCポスター賞​ 
▪2020 PCCP Prize for Outstanding Achievement of Young Scientists
   in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (Royal Society of Chemistry)
▫イギリス王立化学会 第14回 PCCP Prize

Out Reach etc. / アウトリーチ活動など

▪Organizer of young Coordination Chemist’s Association Japan (Chair Kansai Division from 2017)
▫錯体化学若手の会 世話人(2017年から近畿地区代表)  
▪National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, S&T Experts
▫科学技術予測センター 専門調査員 (NISTEP専門調査員)